Annurs E-Santri Application - Tebing SuluhThe Android version of the E-Santri Annur - Tebing Suluh application is here to make it easier for santri guardians to access some information in real time.The Annur - Tebing Suluh E-Santri application is also an application specifically designed for asatidz to input data via a smartphone.Annurs E-Santri Application Features - Tebing Suluh1. Login Guardian Santri2. Check Payment3. Payment history4. Check student payment bills5. Edit Student Profile6. Latest News7. Santris Health Medical Record8. Student Violation Report9. Student Licensing Report10. Tahfidz Kegiatan Activity Report11. Reset Password Login12. Request login accessComing SoonOnline Payment Features (virtual account, alfamart, indomaret)Attendance System